Update: 1 luglio 2018
Procedura conclusa: Fellowship assegnata a Luca Malavolta
Deadline: 14 June 2018
Selection procedure based on qualification and possible interview for the awarding of one research fellowship, entitled: “Selezione target per la ricerca di esopianeti con la tecnica delle velocità radiali per il progetto FRONTIERA”.
Duration:The Research fellowship will have a duration of 12 months, and can be renewed. The scientific activity is expected to begin 1 July 2018.
- Premiale 2015 Progetto FRONTIERA (ref. Piotto)
More information on http://www.oapd.inaf.it/images/pdf/borse_assegni/DD%20N11%20bando%20%20Frontiera%20Piotto.pdf